Wednesday, January 14, 2009

King Fish & Bass Pro

Me,Ryan,mom & girls along with my brother & sis in law went to Jeffersonville. We ate at King Fish along the river its beautiful and I knew the girls would love the view. We also went to Bass Pro, I have pics to share, of course... King Fish is great!

My birthday dinner...

I worked the day of my birthday. Big 37!!! Came home and supper was ready for me. Ryan and girls had fixed shrimp alfredo, baked potato, salad & even a cake. I will post a few pics, I was very impressed. I also got another yorkie, I haven't actually gotten him because hes not ready to leave his mommy yet but I will post pics of that too. He is my birthday & Christmas gift from Ryan & girls. We have been to visit him a few times til hes ready to come home with us, until he is ready, hes living in Bedford with the Tarr's (they breed yorkies, among others)...